【人社院EMI系列活動】October 31th - Halloween Spooky Party

人社院EMI系列活動 - Halloween Spooky Party

Date: 2024. 10. 31 (Thursday)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00 (Dinner is provided-Limited to 25 attendees)
Location: T4 Building 7th Floor  第四教學大樓7樓電梯前 (in front of the elevator)

We encourage you to join us in your fabulous Halloween costume!

Event Highlights:

 • A presentation on the differences between Halloween and Día de los Muertos
 • Painting and presenting your own Halloween mask
 • Voting for the best Halloween mask and awarding prizes
 • Costume-wearing participants will receive a special gift
 • Dinner will be served

We look forward to your participation!

Registration 報名網址:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2sxuv2XoGWPNLBv7TEIiBIj1Jtfw15eT9d0vZF4_RS02EwA/viewform

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences